Life Quotes, Life Quotes Images, Life Sayings


ENGLISHHH ~~ love it.. ♥

assalammualaikum.... and of coz salam sejahtera to all my readers even tak banyak yang selalu bukak ina punya blog nihh kan.. hehe.. so.. whats up guys ? are u doing ok today ? eehhmm. today, i will speak in  english walaupun mcm tak betol sangat kan ? haha.. actually.. ina jadik macam niihh sbb terpengaruh dengan satu laman blog somebody nniihh yg talking in english.. seriously awesome and she is using the simple words and sentences.. so, memang senang nak faham and funny jugak laa when u are reading to the post that she had wrote.. (oppss.. mcm tak betol jaa ayat ina niihh..) ehhmm.. bila ina baca entry entry dia tuu... seriously, ina tertarik and i think learn english is not difficult and it is fun if we understanding what we are learning.. eehhmm.. so, from now on.. i think i'm gonna speak in english and try to understanding the grammar and try to learn more about english.. because, nanti nak amek MUET.. nak masuk UUUUU.. ahaakk.... =).

*ooppss... terlupa pulak nak tambah... pasal somebody yang complain ina punya cakap BI tak betol tuu.. ehmm.. betol sangat ker english ko tuu.. ahahaha.. ahaakk... jangan marah yerr... nanti cepat tua tauuu... so.. have fun slalu k... ceria ceriakan laa hidup anda... peace.. no warr... (^__~)v

soo... for another story is.. semua tau kann.. ina menduduki final exam untuk sem tiga niihh kan.. alhamdulillah.. i'm doing well and i can answer all the question.. and i hope i will get the highest mark from Puan Azlida.. insya-ALLAH... ameenn.. but there are four papers i have to face it next week.. dah laa semua subject killer kowtt.. com no laa makcik nak menjawab nyer kan ?? apa apa pun.. please..... pray for my success k.... love u all... peace yoo... (^_^)v...

malam niihh tidoqq... nak mimpi exam... ahaakk.. boleh dapat A++ tak kalau mimpi exam ???

** thanks to my "mak".. kakak... kak yumi.. and of coz my budak gemokkss.. hehe.. 

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